Deliciously tempting homemade prawn noodle soup that’s impossible to resist, boasting rich flavors and succulent prawns. MyWokLife Prawn Noodle Soup : Why Make This Dish Creating a one-dish meal for a quick weekday dinner is a breeze, taking just an hour and minimizing post-meal dishwashing. Opting for a balanced and All-in-One diet, I purchased fresh…
Category: Recipe
The Recipes
Cream of Mushroom Soup (奶油蘑菇浓汤)
Post & Recipe in English and Chinese (中英食谱) Cream of Mushroom Soup : Homemade, from scratch. With the best flavor, restaurant standard. It’s not difficult, no flour, no milk and less cream, all needed ingredients are easily available at supermarkets. 奶油蘑菇浓汤 : 全制自作法。在家也能煮出餐厅的水准。无添加面粉,无需牛奶,减用奶油也是这份食谱的特点。这里所需的材料定可在超市买得到的. MyWokLife I love Cream of Mushroom Soup (奶油蘑菇浓汤) I wouldn’t say this…
Easy Yam Cake (芋头糕) Recipe
Yam Cake recipe : Just make this Orh Kueh simple and quick, yes, still tasty and great looking 最重要简单,快速,是的,仍然要好吃又好看 MyWokLife What Is Steamed Yam Cake Making steamed yam cake can be simple yet delicious. It doesn’t necessarily take long to make it from scratch even. No need keep stirring the batter in wok. And to…
Taiwanese Lu Rou Rice (台式卤肉饭)
Taiwanese Lu Rou Rice : Easy recipe of a popular Taiwanese dish which you can cook during the lock-down/ CB : 待家时期简单煮,美味台湾美食没烦恼! MyWokLife Taiwanese Lu Rou Rice (台式卤肉饭): Why I cook it Today, we go Taiwan! Don’t let the long list of ingredients scares you off…. they are all commonly found which you can use…
MySpicy Burger Recipe (麦辣鸡腿汉堡) : Easy Way of Making a Burger
MySpicy Burger Recipe : Same same but different this time! 这次有不一样的一样哟! MyWokLife Everyone loves fast food. It’s not easy to get one everywhere in the world. Why bothers to cook one? Well… I don’t know! Just because one of readers requested this, so I created mine, for her. I love my readers and friends! :)…
Papaya Snow Fungus Sweet Soup with Black Sugar (木瓜雪耳黑糖水)
Come, learn the correct method, follow the actual steps, to cook this nourishing papaya snow fungus sweet soup in my recipe. MyWokLife My Papaya Snow Fungus Sweet Soup with Black Sugar Just realized that I did not have my papaya snow fungus sweet soup recorded. I thought I did, but apparently only having the savory…