Peach Gum & Snow Lotus Seed Dessert Soup Recipe (桃胶雪莲子糖水) : “Easy to cook, best to eat for its complexion and health benefits. 简单煮,人人爱的美容养颜圣品!” A nourishing dessert soup that even Empress Dowager Cixi loved and had it as breakfast snacks on daily basis… Who elses not! 连慈禧太后都爱好的日常美容圣品…… 谁能不爱呢! Serves 2-3 Ingredients: 50g dried peach gum 20g snow…
Category: Tips & Info
Tips & Info
Tell Me the 5 Reasons to Drink MILO Every day
5 Reasons to Drink Milo Every Day : “Get the best start to your day with MILO!” Following my mum’s footstep, I have been religiously drinking MILO since I was a little. In fact, I drink MILO almost every meal! Regardless of where we dine – coffee shop, restaurant, cafeteria, McDonald’s and even in the…
7th Day of Lunar New Year (初七人日好兆头)
今天是农历正月初七,也是人人的生日。 用七样好意头的菜煮在一起吃,就是为了讨个好兆头。吉祥如意,顺顺利利,好运来!那本身觉得这7-8样就是不错的选择啦…… 看看那个适合您,就煮吧! Today’s 7th day of Chinese Lunar New Year, it’s also known as Ren Ri (human’s birthday). Yes, 7th day, and Chinese people love to attain auspicious omen by having the right lucky food. Here’re my 7-8 types of favorable vegetable to begin with….. 7样菜的吉祥寓意 :Your seven favorable types of vegetable & it’s…
The Way To Get The Daily Consumables You Need
“Have your daily foodstuff delivered to your doorstep right away!” My kitchen pantry is always waiting to get stocked with the essentials. The first step to home cooking is to stock up the kitchen pantry with these basic yet essential food staples. They are nothing more than rice, oil, eggs and sugar. These 4 basic…
Stir-Fried Milk (炒鲜奶)
Post & Recipe in English and Chinese (中英食谱) “It’s the same like how I cooked on TV show. Stir-Fried Milk or Steamed Milk Dish, both are the best dishes you shouldn’t missed! 跟我在电视节目上煮的一样。不论是炒鲜奶还是蒸鲜奶,两种做法都是你不能错过的好佳肴!” Once again, thank you for watching the cooking program, <Hey Chef! S2>, on Channel 8, which I had the honor to take part…
Camper Van Holiday in Perth, Australia
“Guide to having a fun-filling camper van holiday experience. Come with me!” One of the popular getaway destinations during June holiday for Singaporeans has to be Australia. Sure, people go Western Australia during the dry months for the cool weather, beautiful huge places, scenic highways and memorable farm visits. Camping, is by far one of…